LanguageCert International ESOL C2 Mastery

USD $103.00USD $213.00

Written (Listening, Reading, Writing) and Spoken (Speaking) exams in English, aligned to the C2 level of the CEFR*. Exams are delivered through our global network of Test Centres or online.

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Written (Listening, Reading, Writing) and Spoken (Speaking) exams in English, aligned to the C2 level of the CEFR*. Exams are delivered through our global network of Test Centres or online.

About LanguageCert International ESOL C2:

  • Leads to two separate certificates: Written and Spoken
  • Both exams can be taken together or independently of each other

Written exam:

  • Paper-based/computer-based at approved Test Centres or Online with remote, live invigilation
  • Duration 3 hours 10 minutes

Spoken exam:

  • Face-to-face or Online with a live interlocutor
  • Duration 17 minutes

At C2 level, candidates can:

  • communicate spontaneously, fluently and precisely in virtually any situation
  • understand almost everything heard or read
  • summarise and reconstruct arguments and accounts coherently
  • differentiate finer shades of meaning in complex situations

Candidates at C2 level have mastered English to an exceptional level, possessing the language skills needed to work in a senior professional or study in high-level academic environments (e.g. Master’s or PhD).

*Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), developed by the Council of Europe, is widely used to describe levels of language proficiency.


[ultra_toggle title=”Key features” status=”close”]

 FORMAT Paper-based, computer-based or Online with remote, live invigilation
 PASS MARK 50% (75/150)
 SKILLS Written (Listening, Reading, Writing)
GRADE BOUNDARIES Candidates are awarded High Pass, Pass or Fail
High Pass 101-150 / 150
Pass          75-100 / 150
Fail           0-74 / 150


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Statement of Result (SoR) & e-certificate sent by email or through the Test Centre;

  • 3 business days for Online exams with remote, live invigilation
  • 5 business days for computer-based exams
  • 10 business days for paper-based exams

Digital badges are available in 10 business days and sent by email.

Hard-copy certificates are sent either to the candidate or to the Test Centre shortly after results are released.


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Paper-based 3 hours & 10 minutes
Listening : 30 minutes Reading & Writing 2 hours & 40 mins uninterrupted
Computer-based 3 hours & 10 minutes
Listening : 30 minutes Reading & Writing 2 hours & 40 mins uninterrupted
Online 3 hours & 10 minutes
Listening : 30 minutes Reading & Writing 2 hours & 40 mins uninterrupted
Listening Part 1: 6 multiple choice questions (each with 3 options) Task:
  • Listen twice to 6 sentences
  • Idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, register shifts and use of stress and intonation to indicate attitude included
  • Choose the appropriate option to complete or continue the conversation
Part 2: 6 multiple choice questions (each with 3 options) Task:
  • Listen twice to 3 conversations, each consisting of 2 speakers and identify: topic, purpose, context, speakers, gist, relationship between speakers, roles, functions, attitudes, feeling and opinions
  • Choose the appropriate option for each question
Part 3: 7 questions (write notes on the message pad based on the information in the recording) Task:
  • Listen twice to a dense factual lecture, radio broadcast, narrative, presentation, etc. to identify specific information
  • Jot down answers of 1 to 5 words
Part 4: 7 multiple choice questions (each with 3 options) Task:
  • Listen twice to a discussion to identify gist, examples, fact, opinion, contrast, purpose, key ideas, attitude, cause and effect
  • Choose the appropriate response for each question


Part 1: 5 questions (5 sentences identifying true and false statements about the text) Task:
  • Text includes idiomatic language, narrative or academic ideas, arguments and opinions
  • Determine whether the statements are true or false
Part 2: 6 questions (8 sentences to choose from to complete 6 gaps in the text. 2 sentences are provided as distractors) Task:
  • A text with 6 sentences removed, e.g. topic sentence, summarising sentence, developing idea, emphasising a point, opinion, contrast, sequence, forward and back reference, transition to new idea
  • Choose the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text
Part 3: 7 questions (4 texts provide the answers to7 questions) Task:
  • Read 4 short texts, e.g. email, article, advert, etc. and choose which text answers which question
Part 4: 8 questions (8 questions requiring short answers of up to 5 words) Task:
  • A continuous text: narrative, descriptive, explanatory, expository, biographical, instructive
  • Provide short answers of up to five words for each question
Writing Part 1: 

Part 1: 150 – 200 words (respond appropriately to a given text to produce a formal response for an intended public audience)
Task: Write a letter, report, argument or article using a written, graphic or visual input for the intended reader expressing stance, opinion, justification, argumentation as appropriate

Part 2: 250 – 300 words (produce a personal letter, a narrative composition/ story or a descriptive composition)
Task: Write an informal piece for a specified reader in order to persuade, argue or hypothesise, expressing mood, opinion, justification, evaluation etc.


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We work with prominent publishing houses to ensure that our partners and candidates have access to top quality learning materials for LanguageCert SELT exams. Below is a list of available books with links to the publishers’ websites.

Burlington Books

Express Publishing

Global ELT




[ultra_toggle title=”Key features” status=”close”]

 FORMAT Face-to-face or Online with a live interlocutor
 PASS MARK 50% (25/50)
 SKILLS Spoken (Speaking)
GRADE BOUNDARIES Candidates are awarded High Pass, Pass or Fail
High Pass 38-50 / 50
Pass          25-37 /50
Fail           0-24 / 50

For more detailed information, download the LanguageCert Qualification Handbook for International ESOL Speaking.


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Speaking 17 mins


Speaking 17 mins


Part 1
Task:  • Give and spell name
• State country of origin
• Answer 5 questions

Part 2
Task: • 2 or 3 situations are presented by the interlocutor
• Candidates are expected to respond to questions and initiate interactions

Part 3
Task: • Hold a short discussion to make a plan, arrange or decide something using written text as the prompt

Part 4
Task:  • Candidates are given 30 seconds preparation time
• Talk about a topic provided by the interlocutor for 3 minutes
• Answer follow-up questions


[ultra_toggle title=”Results, certificates and digital badges” status=”close”]

Statement of Result (SoR) & e-certificate sent by email or through the Test Centre;

  • 3 business days for Online exams with remote, live invigilation
  • 5 business days for computer-based exams
  • 10 business days for paper-based exams

Digital badges are available in 10 business days and sent by email.

Hard-copy certificates are sent either to the candidate or to the Test Centre shortly after results are released.


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