FAQ For Students


Why Should I use EdVantage SpeakSmart?

EdVantage SpeakSmart is a endeavour that connects students and qualified and experienced tutors providing them a high-quality tuitions and safe online environment. Students can earn better grades by taking advanatage of the guidance they get from our tutors. Please note-all of our services are available 24/7.


Is my identity protected?

Yes, your identity is completely protected at EdVantage SpeakSmart. And we endeavour to maintain a high degree of integrity and safety for both students and tutors within the system. We do not allow any exchange of personal information between our tutors and our students unless there is a situation that absolutely warrants such an action. Please take a look at our privacy policy.


Are your tutors qualified?

Yes, all of our tutors at EdVantage SpeakSmart are well qualified and hold advanced degrees in their fields. Many hold post graduate qualifications or PhD’s with teaching or industry experience in their field of expertise. All tutors are screened carefully by our staff. We have also implemented ratings and feedback in order to increase our level of transparency, value and to drive excellence in the system


How do I find a tutor for my need? Can I choose my tutor?

Once you submit your request, we will look at the tutors in our system that will match your area or subject and type of request, availability of the tutor and pricing preferred.  Of course, you may go through our website and the range of tutors online and select a few tutors that you prefer; do let us know your preference and we will try our best to see if they are available and can accommodate your request. Our HR team will strive to fulfil your request or find the most appropriate solution for your needs.


How do I rate my Tutor?

At the end of each session you will be required to rate you tutor and the session you have just had. Though this is not compulsory, it is important you do so to ensure that the tutors are performing well and there is transparency in the system. This also helps resolve any issues that may arise.


How do I sign up for an Online tuition at EdVantage SpeakSmart?

Once you  have decided you want to engage with one the tutors at EdVantage SpeakSmart or even if youa re undecided and just want to make an inquiry, all you need to do is click the  ‘Sign Up Now’ button on our homepage or Contact us pages on the website- To Register just provide us details of you requirement and contact details and we will get in touch soon.


What if I am having trouble accessing my tuition class? What support can I expect?

Most issues that arise with accessing your online class are technical issues that can be easily resolved by our technical team. Call or email us well in advance before your class begins and our technical team can work alongside you to ensure you are able to access your class online and get started.


How much does your service cost?

At EdVantage SpeakSmart, we do not charge any monthly fees or minimum payments; the price is quoted as per every request separately. For pricing for tutoring or homework help depends on a lot of different factors and it is estimated by our tutors. You will be provided a quote which allows you to choose whether you want to pay and go ahead or not so there is no force or nothing that locks you down and there are no hidden costs. When you submit a request for live tutoring, our tutors will provide you with a quote based on the type of requirement- the pan you choose, number of sessions, desired length of the session, capacity of the student and the complexity of the topic or subject/s that has to be covered. When you submit a request for homework help, our tutors take a look t the requirement and provide you a quote based on the time required, size of the assignment or homework and the deadline.


Can I avail of your service for free or discounts?

Yes, you may avail of one free demo at the start to see how the online tuition system works, the quality of the class and whether Online tuition works for you. We do provide discounts where possible, however the pricing depends on yoru request and the tutor’s assessment of your request. Do keep an eye out for any promotions or discounts that we might offer.


How can I make a payment for my tuition?

Once you submit your request we will provide you a quote for a plan we offer. If you decide to go ahead and then you will also be provided options for payment. Just follow the instructions provided and make a payment online


What kinds of payment do you accept at EdVantage SpeakSmart?

At EdVantage SpeakSmart, we accept Credit Card and PayPal and Stripe


When do I need to make a payment for my request?

This will depend on the plan you choose. You may choose to pay for a number of sessions together or as you go. Please note all payments are made before our tutors start taking classes or working on your request for homework help.


What is your refund policy?

At EdVantage SpeakSmart, we do have a refund policy. Refunds are available only if there is a situation where the tutor also agrees that one is appropriate. If the tutor disagrees on whether a refund is warranted, we shall endeavour to work on an appropriate solution to resolve the issue. Satisfaction for services provided to you by us and striving for excellence is of primary interest and is at the heart of everything we aspire to do at EdVantage SpeakSmart


How do I make an inquiry or contact the Customer Support?

Please look at the ‘Contact us’ page for further details. You may send us an email or call us to have a chat. We will endeavour to respond to your query at the earliest. Email us at speaksmart@edvantageinternational .com

FAQ For Tutors


How do I know if there is a vacancy for a tutor at EdVantage SpeakSmart?

We are always looking for qualified and expert tutors. If there is a specific requirement we will advertise this on the website and seek such a tutor


Am I qualified to be a tutor at EdVantage SpeakSmart?

Your qualifications and experience are very important as it does make all the difference when it comes to how students and their parents choose or prefer tutors. We require our applicants to hold at least a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree or PhD is definitely preferred. High proficiency in spoken and written English language, is mandatory. If you are a certified or experienced tutor or a professor especially with online tutoring experience, you are preferred by students and parents and will remain of high value with our system. You must be reliable, consistent, produce content and classes of high quality, original work in the presentations, homework assistance and in methodologies used to teach or assist students. You must also be professional and courteous at all times. You must be willing to sign an agreement and adhere to the rules and requirements as per our Code of Conduct of working as a tutor at EdVantage SpeakSmart.


How do I apply to become a tutor at EdVantage SpeakSmart?

To register as a Tutor at Edvanatge SpeakSmart:

Go to the Become a Tutor section under Tutors page

Follow the instructions and fill in your details in the registration form

Email us your transcripts and certificates for undergraduate and post graduate work, as applicable. Our HR team will do the verification checks which will also involve an interview either telephonic or on Skype.

A video recording of your lectures or proof of your previous work is preferred and will be highly appreciated. Register today and we shall be in touch with you soon!


Why should I apply to work for EdVantage SpeakSmart?

We believe in working together and capitalising on our strengths. Working with us gives you an opportunity to cash in on your experience, skills and knowledge. You can work when you want, how much you want, and from any location , focussing on what you are good at whilst we will focus on bringing you the students saving you the effort of engaging in marketing yourself, chasing payments, dealing with students and parents.


I have no experience in Live Tutoring and I haven’t had any training. What do I do?

Get in touch with our HR team and they will set you up with a training session befoe we allocate students to you.


Is a request a contract?

When we receive a request from the student we forward this request to you and request you for a quote following due assessment of the student’s needs and other factors to delivering the best solution. When you submit a quote, we will iasie with the students and his/her parents and seek an approval. Once we have an approval, our HR team will contact you and confirm this with a One-page contract for the particular student and class, you can consider this as a contract for that particular student. That contract has a deadline that has to be respected and work that has to be performed. If the deadline has passed and the work hasn’t been commenced or provided as required or the work is of unacceptable quality you are in breach of that contract, this is a serious issue.


When do I get paid?

We process payroll every fortnight or otherwise if mutually agreed upon by the Student and approved by the HR team at EdVantage SpeakSmart.


How do I get paid?

Payment for services rendered by you will be paid by bank transfer to a bank account nominated by you. You will need to raise an invoice or will be provided with a remittance advice as required so as to maintain a record of all payments made to you


I cannot take classes any more, what should I do?

You may have a personal emergency, be going on a vacation or trip, or your situation has changed and you are unable to work with us anymore- we understand these situations and request tutors to make adequate efforts to inform the HR team when you will be available again. If you have ongoing classes and unless it is an emergency you are required to fulfil your obligations as per your contract.


How does the rating system work?

Students are required to provide a feedback and rating for the tutor after every session. The average rating will be displayed on the website. The higher the rating the more visibility and chances for students to access your profile and choose you as the preferred tutor. So do your best and reap the benefits of a long term association with EdVantage SpeakSmart- the Online tutoring platform that helps you showcase your talent, knowledge and skills and earn while you do what you love!